Last seen: November 30, 2021 7:51 pm
I was looking at some info on the monorail earlier. I think we're going to wait until we get there to decide if we want to use it or not. It seems lik...
I didn't even know about this! This looks like so much fun. I'll have to see if I can convince my friend to ride it haha How much is it?
Wow, I never thought about doing a helicopter ride! I don't think we'll get to that on our trip but I might have to plan that on the next one.
I would love to know about this too! I'm looking to visit in March so I'm hoping that's enough time for things to settle down. We thought about going ...
@lucas Yeah, I just looked it up and I'm not sure if it's because it quick filled dates in November and December or what but it looks like general adm...
@memphis Perfect! Thanks for this info!
@lou20 I saw Piff on my first trip! I was unsure about it but it ended up being so fun. It was a highlight of the trip for sure haha
Oh man, I would love that! If I heard they had a show in LV, I would book the trip immediately haha
Yes!! We are trying to go in March and I've been checking everyday. We finally got reservations for one of the Gordon Ramsay restaurants but that wasn...