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What's your budget when visiting Vegas?

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Morgana G
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When it comes to visiting Vegas, how much of a budget do you usually have for your full trip? My budget last time was $8,000. It's a lot, but that's because it was myself and a couple others. We only ended up spending $6,000 or so. So not bad. 

What's your budget usually? 

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I live within driving distance so I go all the time. No need to pay for a hotel unless my husband and I plan on staying real late. We typically spend around $500 when we do go. This is for food, shows, drinks, and a bit of gambling. Sometimes we spend more if we plan on going to more expensive events. When we do stay overnight, we end up spending over $1000 easily. 

Tox Bloom
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Las Vegas is a city where you can always feel like the budget wasn't high enough.  Everyone will have different levels depending on their actual vacation budget but if you did some ratio like make your hotel room rate as 1/4 of your daily budget you could probably have a good estimate.

Thus, staying at a $100 a night hotel you would spend $300 a day on food/entertainment/gaming.  ie $400 a day x number of days on vacation


A three day weekend at this level would be $1200.

$300 per night hotel = $3600 for the weekend
