Drugs becoming more...
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Drugs becoming more of an issue?

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FifteenGreen Doh
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A friend of mine (I know him online from another community) said that drugs are becoming more and more of an issue for Vegas but I don't ever hear about it or see it in the news. Does anyone else live in Vegas or close by? I am curious to know if this is true. 

Lucas Brown
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There was some news on it last year, maybe you missed it? Something about an influx of younger visitors increasing drug issues in Vegas. I think this was due to other places being closed so the party-goers were going to Vegas.

Fit Travel
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It is a major issue that I wish more people were talking about. It is a shame that only locals show concern. We should all be aware it is an issue. 

Shelly Ann
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Yikes! I heard about this but had no idea they were having issues with fentanyl. I bet this is why a lot of younger people across the US are having heart-related issues and dying. Someone told me that a lot of this is coming up through Mexico and some speculations have been made that China might be selling it to them. Scary stuff!

Maria Robinson
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I did not make that connection Shelly! Wow, you have to be right. I did hear about fake pills being found all over the US but the worst of it is down south. 

Caleb Oldenburg
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Posted by: @maria

I did not make that connection Shelly! Wow, you have to be right. I did hear about fake pills being found all over the US but the worst of it is down south. 

I heard about this in 2019 but had no idea how bad it was until the George Floyd incident. His wrongful killing put fentanyl in the news and I think that is when more people started hearing about it. 
