The Venetian Resort...
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The Venetian Resort as a first time stay?

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Sarah Wilson
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We were looking into our options and we both like what the Venetian Resort has to offer. We should be able to budget the cost. I am wondering if this resort is a good place for someone going to Vegas for the first time though. If not, what would you recommend? 

Pizza Blue
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It can be a bit expensive but if you can afford it, I would say to go for it. I have only stayed here once. It was my 3rd or 4th trip and I remember wishing it had been my first but I was on a tighter budget back then. 

Fit Travel
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They have a lot of package deals these days. I think the lowest I have seen was $89 per night but the average seems to be around $135 per night. If you are only going for 2 or 3 nights then this isn't so bad.

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The best overall have to be Bellagio, Aria, Cosmopolitan, Venetian, Wynn, and Caesars Palace. Any of those would be a good choice. So to answer your question, yes the Venetian would be a solid choice to stay for your first time. 

Sarah Wilson
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Thanks everyone! This is the one my husband and I will likely go with then. I was looking at pictures of the room and package deals and it seems to be a good fit for us. 
