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RE: Does anyone use craigslist las vegas to find concert tickets

Yes, but you have to be very careful. A friend of mine got tickets for Vegas on there and was meant to pick them up the day before his trip and the guy no-showed him. So he ended up missing out on the...

In forum Music

3 years ago
Hotel Rates Dropping big time

I noticed that the rates for hotels have dropped dramatically this month. I was looking at weekend rates for Aug 20-22 and you can stay at Excalibur for $35 on Sunday night. This pretty low.

In forum Hotels

3 years ago
RE: Does anyone use craigslist las vegas to find concert tickets

Yes, but you have to be very careful. A friend of mine got tickets for Vegas on there and was meant to pick them up the day before his trip and the guy no-showed him. So he ended up missing out on the...

In forum Music

3 years ago
Hotel Rates Dropping big time

I noticed that the rates for hotels have dropped dramatically this month. I was looking at weekend rates for Aug 20-22 and you can stay at Excalibur for $35 on Sunday night. This pretty low.

In forum Hotels

3 years ago