Booking a hotel pri...
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Booking a hotel prior to being 21?

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From what I can tell and have experience, you have to be 21 to book a hotel in Vegas. What about 18, 19, and 20-year-olds who are legal adults looking to go to Vegas? Are there any options for them? I am asking for a friend whose' daughter wants to go with a group of friends but she is only 20. 

Maria Robinson
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I think Elara is the only one on the strip that is 18+. Maybe the Hilton but I have not looked into it. If it has a casino or gambling of any sort, it will be 21+ no doubt. 

FifteenGreen Doh
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Posted by: @maria

I think Elara is the only one on the strip that is 18+. Maybe the Hilton but I have not looked into it. If it has a casino or gambling of any sort, it will be 21+ no doubt. 

The Hilton will allow you to book at 18 in Vegas. I know in some other states they don't allow it without someone being 21+ on the cards. And I think you are correct. Anyplace with gambling will be a no-go for anyone under 21.

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Oh okay, that makes a lot of sense actually. I didn't think of that. At least there are a few options. I will let her know so she can tell her daughter. Thank you both for the information! 

FifteenGreen Doh
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Most areas will have options like this because they understand that 18 to 20 year olds do traveling as well. I never understood why gambling and drinking ages were 21+ to being with. Seems like they should be 18+ like in the UK. Although I think it is 16+ there now.

Lucas Brown
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You would think they would change the ages. I know there are some states that consider you an adult at the age of 16 but in terms of drinking, smoking, and gambling, you are still held to the standards of other states. 
