Whitney Houston Hol...
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Whitney Houston Hologram

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Gabriel Martinez
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The Whitney Houston hologram show at Harrahs strikes me as odd lol I can't put my finger on what it is but it feels strange. I heard it's nothing special too. I would expect to see an actual walking hologram but apparently it's just a projector really. What do you think?

Milo F
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I have mixed feelings when it comes to shows like this. Like I love enjoying her music and many others who have passed on but I feel like people are just exploiting people from the grave at this point. The shows don't ever seem as good in person either.

Your Vegas Dude
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I did not know they had a Whitney Houston Hologram.  Where is it located?

Mystery Machine
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Posted by: @simba21

I have mixed feelings when it comes to shows like this. Like I love enjoying her music and many others who have passed on but I feel like people are just exploiting people from the grave at this point. The shows don't ever seem as good in person either.

I feel the same way. It's one thing if it was something they wanted before they passed on. But after it just seems disrespectful. I guess, if anything, it's a way to keep their music alive?

Fit Travel
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I am not a fan of these holo shows. I have been to one and it felt... weird. Not in the sense that I didn't know what was going on but that the person on stage was dead and they are making money off their appearance and name. Just doesn't feel right. 
