FifteenGreen Doh
FifteenGreen Doh
Estimable Member
Joined: April 19, 2021 10:16 pm
Last seen: January 22, 2022 7:03 pm
Topics: 31 / Replies: 136
RE: New Restaurant Delilah

Is this the same one as in California? I had them years ago when I was in Cali and they have some amazing food! I have not found anything about reserv...

4 years ago
RE: Live music returns to Fremont Street on July 1st!

Let me know how some of your experiences have been! I am curious to see what the quality of these live concerts are since they are free and I would lo...

4 years ago
RE: Hotels and restaurants on the first night!

Oh I did not realize you had already been in Vegas and left. Hmm, well if I were to suggest a good place to stay that has affordable rates, I would su...

4 years ago
RE: The park needs MGM pool support!

This depends on the time of year. You will want to watch the line of sunrise to sunset to get your answer. I have never stayed here so I wouldn't be a...

4 years ago
RE: Pet policy in hotels!

You will have to contact most hotels to get firm answer as many of them these days offer pet stay charges. I don't know of very many people who bri...

4 years ago
RE: Do all striped hotels charge for parking?

As of now, I would say yes based on what I have read. I know previously, MGM did away with parking fees but they brought them back this year. I guess ...

4 years ago
RE: July 4 strip cracked!

I was not on to help you out, the 4th has come and gone but I know some places do continue to do fireworks all week long. Are you still currently in V...

4 years ago
RE: Does anyone know if Resort World is charging for parking?

As far as I know, the parking fees came back as of May of this year. This is at least the case for MGM-owned hotels and casinos. I would imagine you n...

4 years ago
RE: Stay well room at Beau Rivage

I know several places offer allergy-efficient spaces but they have limited rooms and are often a good 30%+ more expensive. I have no experience bookin...

4 years ago
RE: Bellagio buffet comeback!

Was this closed due to COVID-19? I would imagine that was the case but I can't see them doing well. I mean a lot of places are struggling with differe...

4 years ago
RE: Free cruise offer from MIife!

I remember hearing something similar about these "free cruises". I think it is a scam where they get your information and sell it to third-party vendo...

4 years ago
RE: Video game tournaments in Vegas?

Not much/many that I have seen. I mean looking around online, I am only seeing a few events. This doesn't mean they don't host events in Las Vegas, no...

4 years ago
RE: Shark Reef Anyone?

My sister went here with her husband on their honeymoon. She said she loved it. They have something like 2,000 different animals to see, including kom...

4 years ago
RE: Hotels that have been around the longest

Assuming it is still open (I am not sure) the Golden Gate Hotel and Casino has been around the longest. You might not believe it but it has been aroun...

4 years ago
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