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Do you dress up for Vegas, or dress for comfort?

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Mimsy Ravenclaw
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When going to Vegas, I don't dress up all fancy like. At least not all the time. Most of the time I wear my day to day clothes and don't try to change it up much. I have dressed up for special occasions, like a wedding, or spending time with family. 

Do you like to dress up when going to Vegas? Or dress how you normally do?

FifteenGreen Doh
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Unless I am going into a fancy resort or restaurant, I just wear what I normally wear. I get why some people want to dress up in Vegas or look their best but I would much rather be comfortable. 

Fit Travel
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I usually dress casual but nicer than I normally would, if that makes sense. Like I will wear better quality casual wear and be more presentable. I am like this anytime I vacation to anywhere as I believe it is respectable of locals to do so. 

Caleb Roxberry
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I always dress for success.  So always nice clean sneakers and a cool pair of shades.

Gabriel Martinez
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I like to explore the strip so I usually dress casual during the day and then I'll change into something nicer at for the evening. It's usually so hot that a change of clothes is called for anyway, haha. I have been for a business convention before where I wore nice clothes all day though. 
