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What comedians are considered the best in Las Vegas?

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I have only seen a handful of live comedians and only two were in Vegas. I am curious to see who is rated the highest overall. I might try to get a show or two booked for my next trip. I need to laugh more lol

Pizza Blue
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Frederic Da Silva puts on a good show called Paranormal: Mind Reading Magic Show. I think the blend of magic and comedy is what appeals to me the most about it. I don't know if he is considered one of the best comedians in Vegas but he is certain in my top 5. 

Noah Abbott
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I heard that Jerry Seinfeld sometimes make appearances in Vegas. if you can see him live, I say go for it. He's worth seeing live I think. 

Mimsy Ravenclaw
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Tom Segura is performing around the 8th and 9th. And I heard that Daniel Tosh will be performing on the 15th of 16th. I would be into seeing both of them live. 
