Michael Jackson One...
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Michael Jackson One or love

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Fred Bowman
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Going in September. Love should be up and running. Not a huge fan of CDS shows but I love the music of both artists and have heard these two shows are very good. Which one you will be very inclined to and which one “will have to put up some good seats in the cheap seats”. Willing to pay for the center but like the top of the center if possible.

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Beatles Love is pretty good.  Certainly a recommended show if you are in town.

Sherri Freeman
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Both shows get great reviews. It just comes down to which music you'd prefer. In my social circle, more people enjoyed the Beatles Love show more but they were bigger Beatles fans. 

Dr Detector
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I'd like to see both, but I hear One is the better of the two. But, I'm thinking I might go to both shows if possible. That way I can really see which one is better. 
