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eSporting events happening in Vegas anytime soon?

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Clay Goldmine
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Are there going to be any eSporting events happening in Vegas in the coming months? Any tournaments and all that fun stuff? 

I would like to start tuning into game tournaments, but would also like to attend a tourney in person as well. 

Fit Travel
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Posts: 193

I looked around and didn't see anything. I guess the only way you'd know for sure is if you watch/follow a pro eSports player and they mention they will be in Vegas. I would check on the major channels over on Twitch and see if anything is happening.

Nick Carmichael
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Posts: 76

I honestly don't know much about this but I did take a look around. I have not seen anything related to eSports since before COVID hit. I think Fit is spot on. I would check on Twitch. 
