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Where to live?

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Timothy K
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Any suggestions? I am looking for a safe area

Ron John
Eminent Member
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 33

Do you want to live in Las Vegas or outside of it? This really plays a factor, as well as your budget. I will tell you... It is not cheap! You can expect to pay around $1,800 a month for a small house that is 30 minutes out from Vegas. 

Mimsy Ravenclaw
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Living in Vegas will be very expensive, even 30 minutes out like Ron said above. I would suggest living in a town nearby. But if you can afford to live there, I say go for it. Better yet, what is your budget per month?

As for if it's safe, I'd say. There is crime like with any big city, but for the most part Vegas is pretty safe to live. 
