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How much business gets done at CES in Las Vegas?

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Caleb Roxberry
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CES (Consumer Electronic Show) is known every year to bring a number of people to Las Vegas for the convention center.  I have never been to it and I think you have to have a press pass or something to actually go to the CES show.  So I was wondering how much actual business is done at the show.  How many sales deals etc?  I usually read the headlines and watch videos on youtube from the event and am usually impressed with the new technology that is presented each year.  

Linda Taylor
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Many years ago, my husband was able to go. He absolutely loved it and talks about wanting to go back all of the time. I would think a good amount of business is done there. I have attended other trade shows an I see a lot of purchases and deals being made so I'm sure that's the case with a big show like CES.

Pizza Blue
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This isn't something I have ever attended but have always heard amazing things from. If you are a businessman (or woman) looking for investors or partners, you can easily find them here. 
