MGM Grand lost powe...
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MGM Grand lost power last night!

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Fit Travel
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I don't know if anyone is in Vegas right now or knows anyone who is, but apparently, something went wrong just after midnight. The power box for the hotel caught fire. Not sure if they found the cause of this or not but I hope anyone staying in the hotel stayed safe!

Shelly Ann
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I heard about this! A family friend was in Vegas staying at the MGM and said some people were freaking out a bit. I guess the generators came on right away though so you did have light and everything. 

Maria Robinson
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How often does something like this happen? I have never been to Vegas but if this is something I need to worry about, I just want to make sure I am prepared. I can't imagine it is a common thing but you never know!!

Fit Travel
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Posted by: @maria

How often does something like this happen? I have never been to Vegas but if this is something I need to worry about, I just want to make sure I am prepared. I can't imagine it is a common thing but you never know!!

It is pretty rare. It really isn't something to worry about. Even if they lose power at a lot of these places, they still have backup generators that kick in shortly after. Within like 10 seconds even.
