How do hotels handl...
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How do hotels handle sanitation right now?

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Lucas Brown
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I won't name the place, at least not yet... But a friend of mine was in Vegas earlier this month and the hotel he stayed in, he said they did next to nothing when it came to sanitation. The only thing they did was have everyone wear masks. One of the staff came into his room with towels and wasn't masked. He didn't notice any more cleaning than he had in previous years, if anything less so. It makes me wonder about this. 

Fit Travel
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They don't do much beyond what they normally do. They put this on the people staying to take precatuions. So I would have sanitizer, anti-bacterial soap, and sanitizing wipes handy if you are staying anywhere in a public space.

Maria Robinson
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I wouldn't be surprised if they are doing LESS than before. I know a lot of people have complained about hotels being short-staffed. I can bet you they are slacking. I am fully vaccinated so I am not worried about it but I would have other sanitation concerns at this point. 

Caleb Oldenburg
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I have not been to Vegas since this all started so I can't say for Vegas but I know in other places, they have hired extra cleaning staff to steam clean a lot of the surfaces over just spraying and wiping. 

FifteenGreen Doh
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Posted by: @maria

I wouldn't be surprised if they are doing LESS than before. I know a lot of people have complained about hotels being short-staffed. I can bet you they are slacking. I am fully vaccinated so I am not worried about it but I would have other sanitation concerns at this point. 

Right? So many places are still short-staffed. Our local hospital is now having nurses and doctors work even if they are testing positive for COVID. Like what kind of BS is that? What if someone is in the hospital with a compromised immune system from cancer or something? 
