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Any places to play Dungeons & Dragons?

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Crazy for Pizza
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I used to play D&D a lot growing up and a lot into my teen years and adult years. But, I want to give it a go again, as when I did play, it was a blast. I'm traveling to Vegas at the end of the year I hope, and I was hoping there are some places to play D&D in Vegas? 

Fit Travel
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Shall We Play? is one spot that I know of where they host D&D sessions. I had a friend go there a few times to play. I have never been so I don't know anything about it. You'd have to check them out online. I am sure they have a website. 

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Actually you might try  I am not much of a D&D person (actually don't know how to play) but there is probably a good Las Vegas local community of dragon slayers that like to get together for a game.
